Beauty Empowered x Jazba Singh
Posted by Shades Of Ebony Beauty on 17th Apr 2021

Introducing Jazba Singh Makeup Artist turned Blogger, Model, Actor and founder of Beauty Nomad. The multi-talented beauty is also a critical race and gender scholar who is passionate about diversity and inclusion especially in the beauty and acting industry. Jazba is a perfect example of a woman who is using her voice and platform to change the world in her own way. We are absolutely delighted to have her share her story and thoughts with us.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi I’m Jazba Singh- I am an Indian-Canadian-Aussie actor/model/blogger. I have a lot dashes and slashes in my identity and I am actually pretty happy about that- it’s a result of how I grew up and the life I cultivated for myself! I am also a consultant for Diversity and Inclusion in the beauty and acting industries, and I am currently focusing on brands and productions right here in Melbourne.
As a self confessed globe trotter, what’s a favorite place you’ve lived in or visited?
It’s hard to pick just ONE favourite! I would say living in Havana, Cuba for a few months while I was trying to learn Spanish and shooting a documentary about the art scene there was pretty magical.
Talk to us about your academic background?
I double majored in Political Science and Human Rights in my undergrad and then for my Master’s I was in a program called Socio-Legal Studies. It was an interdisciplinary initiative between the Law School and Sociology department and it allowed me to take courses in International Human Rights Law as well as study the theory of critical cosmopolitanism- the idea that, despite social constructs (but not ignoring them), we are all humans.
Why did you choose that field of study?
I was attracted to this program because it allowed me to explore human identity through legal, sociological and philosophical lenses. I was curious to understand how “marginalised” identities are taken up and afforded/not afforded rights within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ultimately I am just very interested in humanity, identity and who we all are.
You have been vocal about the Black Lives Matter movement, why do you think it’s important for other cultures to speak out about BLM and other racial issues?
I think it is extremely important. Race as a social construct was not created by Black people, but it is somehow a “Black” problem. That’s a how a culture and system of racism works- by making “White” an invisible normative framework against which every other race is understood. I think once people of all different races understand this, they will understand that we are all equally implicated in race politics. Other cultures speaking up about BLM is an acknowledgment that Black lives have been historically under threat in a disproportionate way compared to other races and we should all be doing something about this, including other people of colour who’s cultures participate in anti-Black racism. We simply can not afford to remain silent.
What made you transition into becoming a makeup artist?
Even when I was in school, I was modelling on
the side, and I was always most interested in what the makeup artist was doing to magically enhance or transform a face for a shoot. It was so different from what I was studying, and yet there was an element of identity politics baked right into makeup artistry: it’s about a look after all, who you are in the world, how to express that and how it’s taken up. So I decided to start taking night courses in makeup artistry so I could learn technique and the craft. After that I just got addicted to it and began working as a make up artist!
You are an advocate for Australian beauty brands to become more inclusive and diverse why is this important to you?
I mean, I feel like it should be important to everybody. Australia is a multicultural, diverse country and for that not to be reflected in its different industries, including the beauty industry, is just a false and unrealistic reflection of the world around us. Close to 30% of this country is made of POC, that’s a big amount of people for beauty brands to not be servicing… and for me it begs the question as to why? POC shouldn’t have to miss out on beauty products because of the industry has not acknowledged our presence in a substantive way up until now. It’s high time Australian brands caught up to this reality. For Australian beauty brands to continue to not acknowledge the presence of POC by not representing us in terms of marketing and availability of shades says a lot of their company values.
What does Beauty mean to you?
Beauty for me is being comfortable and empowered in your own skin. Whatever makes you feel that way- whether or not it’s makeup or being au natural, or treating yourself to lovely massages or just being out in nature… whatever it is to YOU, that is beauty.
What inspires you?
I am inspired by people who don’t give up. People who keep fighting for their dreams or rights or passions no matter what the odds are against them.
When did you discover that you wanted to become an actress?
I think I had a little performance gene somewhere in my right from when I was a little kid. My mom signed me up for dance classes and I loved being on stage for the recitals, in front of a crowd. I think acting came as an extension of my love of performance.
What advice would you give women who love to multi-task?
I think women are somehow hardwired to be amazing multi-taskers, like its literally how our brains are set up! For women who love doing it, more power to you! I would just say however, remember to take time out just for you, to relax and recharge, so that you can continue to do all the things you love.
What’s next for you?
Great question! Well this pandemic has really put a monkey wrench into a lot of plans and it’s become hard to guess what might be happening in terms of work in my industry- a lot of productions and shoots have had to be put on hold. At the moment I am focusing on my beauty blogging work and continuing to advocate and consult on Diversity and Inclusion for brands.
Connect with Jazba
Instagram - @beautynomad
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